Saturday, February 04, 2012

Some Fruitful Changes...

Yesterday, February 3rd 2012, Abe and I were pleased to announce a newly designed! The site was a delight to work on- and we're really happy with the result (although we will continue to tweak it for the next few weeks). Along with the re-design of the site, Fruitful also took some time to refine it's own image a little bit. We hope you like some of the changes:

New Logo

For some time, I had been wanting to make the Fruitful logo a little more illustrative and "scripty". So when I saw the lower case "f's" in Georgia's bold/italic typeface, I knew I had found a winner! In addition to it's "scripty" feel, Georgia is also recognized as one of the original "web-safe" fonts. Now that Fruitful is offering both illustration and web-design- we felt like this mark was a natural representation of our growth. 

Pantone Colors

Our original company branding was based on an orange and green found in the basic CMYK palette. And, on closer reflection, they were actually quite dull. Along with our web design, we have switched every orange to Pantone 130 and every green to Pantone 376. These brighter colors really help to convey the vibrance of our work a little better.


You may notice that we now refer to ourselves as simply Fruitful, and not always Fruitful Design. This is just an additional attempt at simplicity- and an attempt to keep up the tradition of cool, ambiguity that some of Omaha's finest firms have established: Eleven19, Secret Penguin, Grain & Mortar, What Cheer etc.

Gill Sans

We're proud to announce that we have subscribed to's web font service- and now feature our company font, Gill Sans on our website!


Please don't laugh, but... we've finally taken the plunge and joined the rest of the design world in using the Wordpress Content Management system. Previously we have created static sites, Joomla based sites and have even used CMS made simple. is our first Wordpress based site- but we have been pleased with the experience thus far! We're excited to start offering this service to our clients.


Because I did not start out as a web designer- our previous site was based on a purchased template from and hooked up to the web by the amazing That site served me well for the last two years- but as we moved more into interactive and web services, it became clear that we needed a simpler, more custom site. The new Fruitful site is very clean and straight-forward- just like us! There are almost no frills- we hope our work can speak for itself.

Wait- no blog?

Actually- you're on the blog now! This blogspot blog is a collection of my 5 blogs that have floating around in cyberspace ( Xanga, Blogger,,, God Made This Thing). I found that the more blogs I had- the more unlikely I was to ever update them. I also discovered that blogger has an all-new, customizable interface that I really enjoy! Thus- I decided to combine all of my blogs, and then organize them by the tags you see on the left. 

Abe Lueders

We simply would not be announcing a new website if my brother Abe hadn't decided to join the Fruitful team. Check out his cute, little bio here.

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