Thursday, August 13, 2009

InCommon Concert Photos!

Well, the concert on Saturday was long, packed and steamy...but definitely a good time. A good handful of people crammed into the InCommon headquarters on 13th St. to watch a line-up of incredible musicians.

First up was the founder of the evening, Marty Lastovica...playing his toe-tapping, finger-snapping, songs of joyful goodness!:

Next up was the Amazing Danny Sabra in all of his Mustache-ioed Regalia:

Then there was this amazing, young blues group...

Their lead guitarist was posessed by the spirit of Jimi Hendrix

Zach Short is an incredibly funnny and talented young man...

here he plays a beautiful duet with Danny.

And then last (and least) was me. Feeling highly inadaquate...and kinda sweaty. least I tried!

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