Saturday, February 26, 2011


Expectations- we all have them. Some childish. Some lofty. Some fleeting. Some persistent. Every year our birthday becomes a vantage point to gaze out upon our sea of expectations, and evaluate ourselves. Do I measure up? Do I live up to my own expectations? Am I becoming who I always wanted to be? Do I know who I want to be? Do I know who I'm becoming?

Of course there have been years of disappointment. Ruts that we just can't seem to get out of. We look back on our year and we don't see any growth- we don't see any change. The sum of our choices adds up to something far less than the greatness that we, deep down, had always wished to achieve. We are vetted by sin, weighed down by mediocrity, and blinded by short-sightedness. Sometimes the sheer uncertainty of the future can be paralyzing.

I turned 24 today.

24 seems like such a milestone. And now 23 seems so unimportant in comparison. I don't really know what it is. Maybe it's because there's 24 hours in a day. Maybe I just saw the number 24 in my multiplication tables more often than 23 as a child. Maybe it doesn't really matter.

24 just sounds kinda old to me. I'm not a teenager anymore. I didn't just turn 20. I've been old enough to drink for years now. I'm closer to 30... than I've ever been. I'm no longer college-aged. (Unless, of course, I was going for my Master's. Which, of course, I'm not.)

But I'm happy today. Really, truly happy.

No, I haven't lived up to all of my own expectations. Not every dream I've ever had has been completely fulfilled- but almost. As I look back on my 24 years of existence, I can truly say I'm content. I'm happy. And I'm more excited about life, than I've ever been...

At 24 I'm surrounded on all sides by family that love me, and want what's best for me. At 24 I belong to a community of good, deep friends that care about me, and are a part of my life on a regular basis. At 24 I am a part of a church that preaches the gospel and spurs me on to more and more spiritual formation and service every week. At 24 I have my own grand piano, that is fully paid off, and I have the blessing of being able to teach a handful of amazing piano students every week. At 24 I have a job that I used to dream of as a kid- getting paid to draw animals from home all day. At 24 I am starting up my own graphic design and illustration business, and have had an energizing time getting to know other designers and small business owners in the Omaha area. At 24 many evenings and weekends are filled with music, since so may of my closest friends share my passion for original music. At 24 I'm working on my second personal album project, and have had the opportunity to contribute to friend's recording projects . At 24 I have the privilege of being able to assist my church body with leading corporate worship on Sunday mornings. At 24 I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a homeowner, and have been honored to lay down my roots in north Benson. At 24 I am delighted to be called husband by the most amazing and beautiful of all the young ladies I have ever known. At 24- I am proud to be called, for the first time, "Father". And at 24, sin has less of a hold on my life, and Jesus is a closer friend than ever before.

Life is good for me- better than I could have imagined in years past. Looking forward to the next 24...

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