Monday, October 27, 2008

This Holy Fire

"To live is Christ and to die is gain",
that's what I heard Jordon say.
As I shook his hand and left the church
and the beauty of heaven shook the earth.

And I've heard the missionary stories before
they used to shake me to the core.
But now I'm all sophisticated and grown
and those old feelings are seldom shown.

But the blood of the martyrs is the fuel of this fire,
I'm on the edge of this airplane seat with a burning desire.
And like Hudson Taylor so long ago,
I long to see this fire grow.

When I was 14 I told a boy
of how the son of God was laid to rest
and the tears welled up in his eyes,
he had never heard of conquered death.

And that story has never grown old
even after 2000 years or so.
I've seen it bring a grown man to his knees,
and I've felt it saving a wretch like me.

But the blood of the martyrs is the fuel of this fire,
I'm on the edge of this airplane seat with a burning desire.
And like Hudson Taylor so long ago,
I long to see this fire grow.

So Holy Fire burn in the soul's of men
prepare the heart's of women and children.
And light a fire from Nebraska to Beijing,
and begin to make new everything.

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