Put down what your doing for a second. Hang up the phone, take off your jacket, set down your keys and just think...for a second.
Now look at your hands.
Wiggle each finger.
Think about all of the different things that you can do with them:
-Lifting furniture
-Steering a car
-Brushing your teeth
-Baking a cake
-Greeting a friend...
Now think about the complexity of your hands. As you wiggle your fingers, watch all of the tendons and bones and muscles all interacting and responding to your will.
Now think about the connection between your limbs and your mind.
How DO you make that finger wiggle? Right now I am typing rapidly on a keyboard with 26 letters, 10 numbers, and a variety of other characters. My fingers fly as if they have a mind of their own...but they don't! There is a magical cycle going on right now in front of my computer screen:
My mind is coming up with abstract ideas, that are then turned into logical words and phrases, which are then sent to my fingers letter by letter, and eventually are sent to my computer screen. To make the cycle is this very act of typing that is feeding my mind in the first place!
What about our mind? THink about the many things that you can do with it:
-Figure out large Mathmatical equations
-Compose songs and ditties
-Recall events and conversations that happened many years before
-Memorize large portions of text or movie lines
-Create imaginary situations that have never taken place with people that never existed...
Now we culd spend the rest of our lives being amazed at our wonderful bodies, (our eyes, our nose, our ears, our hair) but there is even more to life than this!
Think of your sorroundings. Why is their so much variety? Why is their such a thing as texture? Why is their such a thing as color?
Think about color for a minute. What if everything was black and white? What if there was no such thing as green? What if all of the trees and grass and frogs were all purple? Or Blue? Or white? What if the sky was always yellow? Or pink? Or brown?
Why are sunsets so spectacular?
Why is there such a thing as music?
Why is their such a thing as beauty?
Why are there so many kinds of animals?
Why there so many kinds of trees?
Why darkness?
Why light?
Why daytime?
Why night?
And what of the seasons? And what of the snow? And what of the desert and the beach and the mountains and the prairie? WHY???!!!!
ANSWER: Because God made it this way.
So thank the lord that you have 10 fingers instead of 3! Thank the Lord that the sky is blue! Thank the Lord that cheeseburgers taste the way they do! Thank the Lord for the rainbow, and the ocean, and the rain, and the sun and the moon and the stars and the horses! Thank the Lord for your sight, and your hearing and your smell and your mind! Thank the Lord for your friends and your family and your LIFE!!!!
And then thank him for living the life you could never live...and for dying the death that you would never have to die.
Now get back to work!
AMEN to that! :)
~Heretic (Bekah)
Benjamin Lueders.
What next?
Do you remember me? I'm Shelley Warren, your ex-neighbor from Hawaii about 6 years ago (Nate's sister).
Seeing as how your last post on here was in December, you probably won't see this, but I thought I'd drop you a note anyway.
God bless!
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