Saturday, October 14, 2006


Thankfulness is a weapon.

When you realize that you have been given so much that you don't deserve and can never repay, it just keeps things in perspective.

When I look around this apartment it is very easy to be thankful. Practically everything that I "own" has been lovingly donated to me by someone else:

-The couch
-the loveseat
-the pots and pans
-the silverware
-the clothes
-the shower curtain
-the towels...the list goes on and on.

So, whenever you feel like complaining about the next bill, or some other expense that you are obligated to pay, just look around you and think of all of the incredible gifts that others have given you and imagine where you would be if it weren't for the generosity of others.

It's also nifty to be thankful when you start to become prideful with all you have acheived and acquired. Chances are you would not nearly be as successful if others had not pitched in a helping hand from time to time.

And I'm not just talking about material posessions either. After all, the biggest gifts in life are found in relationships. Where would you be today if it were not for that parent, or that pastor, or that teacher, or that friend that met with you at starbuck's every tuesday to just share your burdens? I know that I would not be very far...

-My mom spent 15 years teaching me at home...when she didn't have to...

-Pastor Pete took me to Quizno's just because he wanted to know how I was doing...

-Jonathan bought me a cappucino because he treasures my friendship more than 4 dollars...

And the truth is, these things cannot even come close to comparing with the incredible gift that God gave to us 2000 years ago...the gift that blows all these other gifts out of the water...

The gift of being his children...
with all the glorious benefits of his kingdom.

And yes, you're right; we can never pay him back. But then again, He never really expected us to either. He simply wanted us to be thankful...and to live out that thankfulness. And with God's help, and the encouragement of others, we can.

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